
NOW he's mostly dead...(Was RE: Vlad's not a Jhereg at heart)

Sat Mar 26 23:27:43 PST 2005

Scott Schultz wrote:
> The only alternative after the three days limit is a new, fresh body. This
> required the intervention of a god in Aliera's case,though Sethra implied
> that the Necromancer could possibly provide it. Her worry was that even with
> a fresh body they still wouldn't be able to join them. It really required
> Verra to provide Aliera's own body (in whatever mystical way the gods
> accomplish these things) in order to guarantee success.

The Jenoine do genetic engineering.  Verra was a servant of the Jenoine
before she rebelled.  Perhaps the mystical way Verra accomplished such a
thing was a straightforward cloning?