On Apr 1, 2005 2:01 PM, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote: > Baritt not only died to a Jhereg assassin, he died and went to the Paths. > However, he also hid Pathfinder, essentially seperating himself from it. He > may have forfeited its protection by doing so. Perhaps he even have had a <miner spoiler for the Lord of Castle Black> * * * * * * * * * * By the way, does Barritt even count as GW "wielder" in the way Sethra uses the term? Bonds of love and all that? We see this most explicitly with Vlad because he's involved in creating his GW, but Morrolan is chosen by prophecy to wield Blackwand, and Aliera pretty clearly believes that Pathfinder has been trying to find its way to her all along, so perhaps the links were pre-forged. Did Barritt really wield Pathfinder, or just utilize it somehow (like Loraan was presumably trying to do with Spellbreaker)? Maybe he made an deal with it somehow, forged an alliance. Too bad we don't know anything about Zungaron. It might tell us something interesting--like, for instance, whether a GW can ever have more than one wielder (possibly reincarnated occasionally). 1. I wonder if the Pathfinder/Godslayer link has anything to do with Vlad/Aliera's siblingship. 2. I wonder what Pathfinder's name is. 3. Does Pathfinder have anything to do with Drien? 4. Was Aliera male or female when Doliver/Kieron were her brothers? Max Wilson -- I die! I attempt a speeling flame, but my flamer explodes and covers me with burning oil. The fire spreads to the walls and nearby houses. The smoke from the flames blots out the sun. Crop failures abound and civilization collapses. The last humans huddle around their pathetic campfires as a new ice age ensues and the glaciers approach. The light of the fire attracts many wolves. All die! O, the embarrassment!