
Sethra and Morrolan (now going off topic. . . )

Fri Apr 8 09:00:20 PDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank Mayhar" <frank at exit.com>
To: "Jeff G." <Log0n5150 at hotmail.com>
Cc: "Listserve Steve Brust" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Sethra and Morrolan (now going off topic. . . )

> Jeff G. wrote:
> > Someone else who reads Queen of Wands!!! I imagine you read Something
> > Positive as well? I am without my fix these last few months, as the
> > motherboard on my home PC has expired, and my work machine won't let me
> > to either site.
> Sadly, QoW has ended.  The archives are still up so you can (eventually)
> catch up on what you missed, but the writer has wrapped up the story.
> If you want pointers to some of the webcomix I read, look at
> http://www.exit.com/~frank/comix.html
> There are several good ones there.  (Along with one or two really
> sucky ones that I haven't gotten around to removing yet.)
> -- 
> Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com http://www.exit.com/
> Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/
>                                 http://www.exit.com/blog/frank/

Heh. I cant go to that site either. I thought I read that she might start it
up again due to the response of the readers? Although in Something Positive
she got run over by a truck in the background, so that kinda finishes it off
in a morbid way. . .
