
A Riddle

Sat Apr 9 20:40:32 PDT 2005

On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Mark A. Mandel wrote:

> --- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > I spell reasonably well, and I've used the word in a poem, and I almost
> > always look up hard words by pasting them into google, which in this case
> > agreed with me.
> As someone else has pointed out by implication, Google is a lousy place to find correct
> spelling. To the extent that it indexes everything on the Web, it indexes every mistake
> on the Web, of spelling, grammar, fact, etc., etc., etc. I recommend, instead, a good
> dictionary. Merriam-Webster Online is pretty good and free (http://www.m-w.com/). I keep
> a link to it in my browser bar.

By "google", I meant, "I put it into google and clicked on the definition
link", which gives the American Heritage entry and often a bunch of other
useful stuff like Wikipedia links.  I find the AH dictionary online rather
better than the M-W, and the extra stuff can be of great use

Language mavens may find the following brief comment on "filibuster" of
interest; it draws on the above method.
