
Aliera's companion in the Paths of the Dead

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 09:31:11 PDT 2005

On Apr 11, 2005 3:53 AM, Martin Wohlert <martin_wohlert at hotmail.com> wrote:
> On the other hand, I wouldn't be TOO surprised if the companion turns out to
> be the unborn Devera, inside Aliera. Barritt can be in two places at once,
> so why not Devera? :) Steve is sneaky.

So, Devera was "conceived in the Paths of the Dead" and "born in
Verra's halls." One of the going theories about Devera's father is
that it's Kieron, who comes back in search of his sword just as he
told Aliera he would. But--if Devera's conceived in the Paths of the
Dead, he doesn't _need_ to reincarnate to father her. And does Aliera
go back to the Paths later (probably unwise, since they weren't
particularly willing to let her go in the first place), or was Devera
conceived during the events of Taltos? (And if so, when?)


Max Wilson
Who kind of likes the idea that Devera will never be born,
Because then she would be a baby instead of a little girl,
Which is really the essence of Devera-ness.

I die! I mis-remember my friend's telephone number and dial
into a hydroelectric dam's power line, electrocuting myself.
My roommates mistake my flailing spasms for sign language,
coincidentally describing a delicious recipe for fried tungsten
with petroleum jelly. They try the recipe.
All die! O, the embarassment.