
Vlad being Emperor: Issola Spoiler!!! (was RE: Terminology (was RE: Vlad's choice of friends)

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Wed Apr 13 09:44:01 PDT 2005

Erik Holmes asked: 
> Hmm. I'm not sure how that kind of thing works, but was Vlad 
> raised to a Count in the Jhereg or is that title separate
> from his title in his House?

It was described as being separate, an Imperial title.

Casting around, I found this page, which gives a passable history of the
baronetcy (and other titles) of the UK.  This is the sort of title most
likely to be sold.  Peerages are more rare and thus are less likely to be
sold, and note the comment about courtesy titles.  Most members of the noble
houses would not actually hold titles in their own right, but could be lords
and ladies by courtesy if their head of household was a peer.  Otherwise
they'd likely be titleless aristocrats unless they'd received some
uninheritable title like being Knighted.

