
Sethra & Paarfi

Thu Apr 14 10:03:43 PDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Marquez [mailto:jhereg69 at earthlink.net] 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Philip Hart [mailto:philiph at slac.stanford.edu] 

>>On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Scott Schultz wrote:

>>> >Paarfi addressed this one.
>>> The abridged version of Paarfi: [snippage]
>>> I'm going to call Paarfi out on this one and say that either he didn't
>>> really know what happened and made something up, or he editted the
>>> events in the same way that he editted the meeting between Aerich and
>>> Paresh.

>>I'll agree with you to the extent that he didn't edit either.
>>Sethra is aware of her force of character and skilled in its use.

>> I believe Sethra and Paarfi are lovers. But that does not preclude Sethra
>> and Morrolan having been, or still are, lovers.
>> Rachel

>Based on Ilen, a Magian's description of Paarfi, I can't imagine Sethra
>having any more interest in him than she would in any other tool. She is
>not the type to be swayed by fame ("I'm Sethra Lavode; who the hell are
>you?"); I guess I also don't like the idea of her being one of his
>conquests. Although it'd be pretty amusing... What made you think of a
>romantic connection between Sethra & Paarfi?

Well, I agree that he doesn't seem her "type", but she's nearly godlike, and
who am I to presume to know what her type is? I thought of it because there
was some indication (probably prior topic, don't remember) that Paarfi gets
his detailed information, however inaccurate, from Sethra, possibly even she
enjoys feeding him bogus stories. So I have this picture in my mind of this
affair going on and she's telling him wilder and wilder stories in her
outstandingly successful attempt to woo him, because of course he is head
over heels for her, who could resist her once she put her mind to something?
Likely he is nothing more than a moment's diversion to her, like in
_Dangerous Liasons_.
