
Amorphia and the 'Accident' (Was Re: Where's the technology?)

Fri Apr 15 12:20:00 PDT 2005

> > Antimatter is pretty much just like normal matter except that the molecules all spin in
> reverse.
> Erik, it is a really, really, _really_, REALLY good idea to make sure of
> your facts before expressing them in a public forum.  Otherwise you end
> up embarrassed and looking like, well, like you didn't do your homework.
> (Hint:  Antimatter isn't spin, there's this small matter of charge
> and it isn't at all about molecules, except in the sense that
> antimatter could potentially form such things from the antiparticles.
> I know this much from just a very high-level lay understanding.  There
> are physicists in this group.)


> Dude, you're making my brain bleed.  
> To quote the nice folks at CERN:
> Antimatter is material made from antifermions. We define the fermions that 
> are common in our universe as matter and their antiparticles as antimatter. 
> In the particle theory there is no a priori distinction between matter and 
> antimatter.
> Here's more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter
> Amorphia is not antimatter.

Guys. We could write pages trying to explain Antimatter and Antimatter theory. I was just giving a
really brief description of Antimatter as I once saw it explained somewhere else. I know it's
extremely complicated but to quote the very page that Dave gave a link to:

"For each kind of particle, there is an associated antiparticle with the same mass but opposite
electromagnetic, weak, and strong charges, as well as ***_spin._*** "

Is this the full description? Hell no. Could you run a game where Amorphia was some weird, uber
magical, liquid, reality bending form of Antimatter. Sure. All it takes is imagination.

"I didn't spend all those years playing D&D and not learn a little something about courage."
   -Some Dork, The X-Files

Erik Holmes
Shoby187 at yahoo.com
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