
Where's the technology?

Sun May 1 13:04:59 PDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 03:43:55PM -0400, Alma Gaiz wrote:
> Perhaps the Jenoine are artificially evolved humans? Perhaps some sort

I had this thought a while back, that the Jenoine were the Gen-u-ine humans
(but posthuman) who played around with the planet, a la _Lord of Light_.  But
then there's text about the Terran ship coming before the Jenoine.  Also, now
that we've seen them, they're just weird.

> Also, I'm surprised that amorphia hasn't been compared to anti matter
> before. The stuff destroys matter when it touches it, creating a flash
> of light, and a violent detonation. It isn't found naturally, at least

Except that it doesn't do any of those things, except "destroy matter".  And
anti-matter doesn't reproduce.

What amorphia *is* like, very much so, is the cacoastrum from _To Reign in
Hell_, and sorcerous power seems like iliaster.  Witchcraft is using your own
puny iliaster, Orb sorcery is getting a massive iliaster feed, Elder sorcery
is either filtering off iliaster from some contained cacoastrum or using the
cacoastrum to weaken reality so that your iliaster is more effective or both.

Which leads me to the idea that the Jenoine are in origin similar to the
angels in _To Reign in Hell_.  About my only evidence for that is their
having a "natural immunity", which is pretty odd for a substances which
"doesn't occur anywhere else in the universe".  So I conclude the Jenoine come
>from Outside the universe.

-xx- Damien X-)