--- Ike Porter <ike at manor.org> wrote: > --Brother Ike > One of the few members of the Cowboy Feng's fan club Cowboy Feng's -was- good. His entire society seemed to me to be very ... Heinleinien, in that the measure of a person wasn't whether or not they were popular (Feng wasn't), but whether or not they got the job done -- 'Do the Job' being an apparently traditional farewell. I -liked- CFSB&G. I liked it a -lot-. But then, I'm also someone who counts Heinlein in my top five author list, along with Bujold, Billy S., David Drake, and SKZB. One of my measures is consistent quality, and in my opinion ... S. Thomas Crain Author-in-Training __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com