
Religion in Dragaera

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b
Thu Aug 18 13:51:39 PDT 2005

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com writes:

> In a message dated 8/18/2005 5:24:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> almagaiz at gmail.com writes:
> >I think he means the recorded conversations with Vlad.
> Ah ha, *not* transcripts, the recorded conversations between Vlad and a 
> "shiny contraption with presumed ears at both ends" . (Dragon, paperback, Chapter 
> 1, "Memory is like a Watchacallit", pgs 15-16.)  Heh, we never got to see that 
> picture of Steve with a shiny
> contraption.   The conversations would have to be translated into English, 
> typed up,  the missing parts would have to be made up and the whole would have 
> to be written into book form.

I'll get to it.  I've been meaning to add it to the updated
pronunciation guide page, but, um, things intervened. 
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:dd-b at dd-b.net>, <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
RKBA: <http://noguns-nomoney.com/> <http://www.dd-b.net/carry/>
Pics: <http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/> <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/SnapshotAlbum/>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <http://dragaera.info/>  Much of which is still down