
International Burst Fan Summit stuff

Rion Bergquist carpovita
Mon Oct 3 11:40:18 PDT 2005

Hmmm I suppose it has been a while since the event was mentioned...

Opus Fantasy Arts Festival to host the World's 1st Steven Brust Fan Summit!
The Place:  Denver Colorado - Hyatt Tech Center
The Time: May 19-21
Website: www.opusfest.com

Events to include the following:
Panels on all things Dragaera starring the creator of said world Steven
Brust, and knowing Steve these panels will spill over into various
philosophical, religious and political conversations and bar debates <grin>
In addition to sitting panels Steve will also be doing a session of book
signings, a reading or two, perhaps an impromptu game of poker or Dragon
Poker, and at some point he will end up with a guitar in his hand and be
compelled to sing while playing it.

In addition to showcasing Steve's marvelous talents Opus will also be host
- A weekend long Live Action game set in Dragaera - if you love the books,
then perhaps you should try to play in them.
- Dragaeran Costuming contest and panels
- A Dragaeran Feast
- The first official release (assuming we meet deadlines) of the Dragaeran
Tarot and the debut of several games based on those described in the books
- A Dragaeran House Sorting...  What house are you?
- Dragaeran Art and products (Bumper stickers, house logos etc.)

In addition to the Dragaera-centric events Opus is a full function
multi-track fantasy event.  Live music, demos, panels, film, art, vendors,
and more - three days of fun that are in the end - all about your

-----Original Message-----
From: mtiller at ntlworld.com [mailto:mtiller at ntlworld.com]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 9:49 AM
To: Rion Bergquist; dragaera at dragaera.info
Subject: Re: International Burst Fan Summit stuff

From: "Rion Bergquist" <carpovita at earthlink.net>
Date: 2005/10/03 Mon PM 03:01:12 GMT
To: <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Subject: International Burst Fan Summit stuff

>As some of you know there is an impending Brust fan summit >(May 2006).

I was not aware of this, would it be possible to have details please?


Mark Tiller

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