About whether Morganti weapons actually *destroy* souls: I'm surprised nobody's brought up the rather graphic (if perhaps metaphorical) description of what happened to Teldra's soul at the end of Issola. She was stabbed with an ordinary, if rather powerful, Morganti dagger. What Vlad "sees" when he enters the dagger psychically (filtered, perhaps, through the perception of Spellbreaker), is little grey shards of soul-stuff. So that soul is definitely not in one piece any more. Maybe Vlad caught it early before those pieces rotted away, we don't know that. He's able to gather the fresh pieces back together and wrap them up with a bit of his own, but Teldra doesn't magically reappear, not even psychically. Though we're told she will later. So it's more than just putting the pieces back together that restores it. Possibly more analogous to cutting a person into several pieces -- even if you put the pieces back together, it takes some powerful hooh-hah indeed to make that person walk again, and they will likely never be the same. So does a morganti weapon destroy a soul? Well, it certainly starts digesting it, and probably if left to its own, continues to do so. Is that destruction permanent? Left open, but I'd say in most cases yes. Teldra may be a lucky partial-exception, but I don't think anyone will volunteer to be the second test case of her experience. --Steve the Younger