
Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Thu Nov 10 14:50:10 PST 2005

On Nov 10, 2005, at 5:14 PM, Martin Wohlert wrote:

> Kenneth Gorelick <pulmon at mac.com> wrote:
>> To: J C <greyw01f at hotmail.com>
>> CC: dragaera at dragaera.info
>> Subject: Re: Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler
>> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:08:35 -0500
>> On Nov 10, 2005, at 5:00 PM, J C wrote:
>>> I think that, given that Dragaerans get married at roughly 150   
>>> years of age, they have a relatively short fertility period.   
>>> Else,  you could have a elder brother over 1000 years your senior.
>>> Savn and his sister are very close in age--probably less than a   
>>> century, I think around 2 or 3 score of years apart.  Very  
>>> close,  in other words, considering a 2500 year life span.
>>> What do you guys think?
>>> Jon
>> Maybe they are "Teckla twins".
> IIRC Savn is 10-20 years older than his sister (He's 90 and she's  
> 80, or something like that).
> I think that it's a bit like with humans, i e you CAN get one child  
> at 15 and one at 45, but most people get their kids with 2 or 3  
> years apart. It's a thing of convenience.
> Except that 10-20 years in a 2000 year life span is more like 6-12  
> MONTHS in a 100 year life span. hence, the concept that the parents  
> had no contraception and became pregnant immediately when it was  
> "conceivable"