
Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler

Sat Nov 12 21:42:39 PST 2005

(*rubbing hands in glee*)

I see my insidious plot to spark an ENOURMOUS discussion has succeeded far 
beyond my wildest expectations.


But please: continue, by all means continue.

James Griffin
Still Another Vlad faN

>From: Maximilian Wilson <wilson.max at gmail.com>
>To: Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com>
>CC: Dragaera List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
>Subject: Re: Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler
>Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:24:20 -0700
>On 11/11/05, Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 11/11/05, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> > >
> > > However, I would posit that Dragaeran aging is not simply a
> > > mathematicial formula away from human aging--they just mature at
> > > different rates and times than we do.
> >
> > But that is exactly what a proper mathematical formula decribes!
> >
> > It might be a somewhat complicated mathematical formula (so that
> > perhaps different formulas would be used between different life
> > stages), or mathematical formulas with some factor that ranges between
> > certain values, but it should still all come down to math.
>Kind of, I guess. But describing interacting physical systems is going
>to involve inventing a lot of new operators and terminology and
>definitions; you can describe a falling ball's motion with a simple
>equation, but once it hits a floor and bounces you have to
>mathematically describe the bouncing and *then* re-run the free-fall
>equation. To describe it in a single equation you'd need a notation
>that expresses discontinuities in a function and its several
>derivatives. Maybe such notations exist, but I don't know them. People
>seem to be okay with breaking systems up into separate parts, where
>separate equations apply. Anyway, Dragaeran aging will obviously not
>really conform to a simplistic formula like my original proposal;
>which doesn't mean it can't be a decent approximation for *expressing*
>equivalent ages.
> > When you have one set of values that goes between 0-100, and another
> > set of values that goes between 0-3000, and are told that there is a
> > certain relationship between those values (in this case, age), then a
> > mathematical formula, with certain accepted limitations, describes
> > that relationship.
>A fair point. I might argue that we're less interested in fitting the
>actual function than in minimizing both error and formula complexity,
>in a sort of MDL- (Minimum Description Length) ish fashion.
>Max Wilson
>Be pretty if you are,
>Be witty if you can,
>But be cheerful if it kills you.