
Different planes

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Tue Nov 15 15:04:57 PST 2005

Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> writes:

>Steve Rapaport wrote:
>> Good fantasy authors ask creative questions and give logical 
>> answers. Fans and followers tend instead to ask logical questions 
>> and give creative answers, which is why they're seldom the same 
>> as what the author will choose to do.
> They're two sides of the same coin, really.
> Or if you prefer, the same side of two coins.

There is only one side; it's a moebius coin.

Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - email: gaertk at aol.com
"I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface."
                          -- James Nicoll