

mtiller at ntlworld.com mtiller at ntlworld.com
Wed Nov 16 23:37:57 PST 2005

From: ReVibe68 at aol.com
Date: 2005/11/17 Thu AM 12:50:49 GMT
To: Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
CC: dragaera at dragaera.info
Subject: Re: Dolivar

Beware      Spoilers!!!!

>In point of fact I believe that in Jhereg its stated that  Dolivar, Kieron 
>and Sethra started out as members of the same  family.
>Thru Sethra's inaction Kieron was killed.  

IIRC, it was Dolivar, Keiron and Aliera who were family and Sethra was there.



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