My department's IT chief just forwarded this message to everyone from the University's Information Security Office. I don't have time to write a filk about it. -- Mark A. Mandel, The Filker With No Nickname Now on the Filker's Bardic Webring! [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.] \\\\\ Hi all, It appears that an advisory has been released about an unpatched Microsoft Internet Explorer vulnerability which allows the execution of code by simply visiting a malicious website. At the same time they released proof-of-concept code which has been verified by SANS to work as advertised. Microsoft Internet Explorer vulnerability which allows the execution of code by simply visiting a malicious website. At the same time they released proof-of-concept code which has been verified by SANS to work as advertised. This vulnerability exists in how IE handles the JavaScript 'Window()' function and an 'onload' statement. The proof-of-concept code will open up calc.exe which verifies that code can be run on the system via exploitation. A malicious website could possibly compromise the system and install malware and take complete control of the system. This vulnerability was first reported as a Denial of Service back in May of this year and supposedly Microsoft ignored the report. Today the discoverer reclassified this vulnerability from a Denial of Service to a Remote Code Execution. There is no official word from Microsoft yet and a patch doesn't exist. Workarounds: Use another web browser such as Firefox, Netscape or Opera If you have to use IE disable 'active scripting' for non-trusted sites or disable JavaScript. Since there is not a patch available please take extra caution when visiting websites when using Internet Explorer. References FrSirt advisory FrSirt Proof of Concept code Original Advisory ================================================== David Taylor //Sr. Information Security Specialist University of Pennsylvania Information Security Philadelphia PA USA ================================================== SANS - The Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities SANS - Internet Storm Center #dshielders __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005