
the Yendi Conspiracy

Sun Dec 4 07:50:03 PST 2005

> As it is laid out, what Sethra the Younger wanted was to conquer the
> East.  OK, it's a goal, everyone has hobbies...  but how did she go
> about achieving this goal?  Well, she apparantly decided that (a) the
> Emperor had to be one in favor of conquest, and (b) the Warlord had to
> be in favor of conquest.  Obviously, the Warlord would preferably be
> herself, but it seems likely that she would have accepted an
> immediately subordinate rank if she could just be the /de facto/
> leader of the conquering forces.
> And she enlists her friend, a Yendi sorceress, in order to carry this out.
> OK, there's just one wee problem: It's stupid!  Or at least, woefully
> incomplete.  And her Yendi friend should have been able to point out
> what was *really* necessary.

The first big mistake was involving a Yendi.  So the Yendi was involved in
a plan that was over-complicated, abstruse, and not remotely the "right" way
to go?  Imagine my shock and surprise!

> In order to launch a conquest, what you need to do is:
> (a) convince those that like to fight that there will be plenty of fighting=
> .
> (b) convince those that like profit that there will be plenty of loot.
> (c) convince anyone not in the above that the target of the conquest
> is a terrible threat.
> (d) convince everyone that anyone who is skeptical about the venture
> is a traitor, or just too weak.
> So given a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign as events lead
> up to the next reign, and maybe a few Easterner attacks (fabricated
> from nothing, or real ones exaggerated wildly) it wouldn't *matter*
> who the Emperor or Warlord is - the war would be sold, and K'laiyer
> e'Lanya (had he become Emperor) would have had to permit the armies to
> advance East for purely political reasons, regardless of his own
> feelings in the matter.

With respect, those ingredients *will* get you a *war* -- but not necessarily
a war of *conquest*.  That requires positive political will, not simple
reluctant acquiescence on the part of the leader.


Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers.
alexx at carolingiaSPAMBL@CK.org                http://www.panix.com/~alexx
"Nobody can be exactly like me.  Even I have trouble doing it."
		  -- Tallulah Bankhead