
Sethra Lavode and gene-scans

Sun Dec 4 11:23:09 PST 2005

Howard Brazee wrote:

> I don't think Sethra would want to be Warlord except in extraordinary 
> circumstances.   She is better off outside the normal political 
> structure. 

Under what circumstances would Sethra *want* to be Warlord?

Simple. When it would most benefit the Empire for her to hold the 
position, rather than another.

While Sethra Lavode seems to be without ambition of her own, my thought 
is that her ambitions may simply be more far-sighted than anyone 
else's.(Which would sort of make sense, given her longevity).  This is 
not to say she is selfless, but it might often seem that way to the mere 
mortals around her who don't share her perspective.
