
Tem vs. Tem

Kendra Vorenkamp kdvorenkamp at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 08:30:58 PST 2005

I personally think that they are different characters.  "Tem" seems to be a
pretty common name, especially for a teckla.

Just my two cents.


On 12/4/05, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> I just recently noticed (while working on the Wikicity) that there are
> apparently two characters in the Dragaera books named "Tem".
> One is a Teckla servant of Pel in /Paths of the Dead/. The other is the
> Teckla villager living in Smallcliff during the events of /Athyra/.
> Since both these characters are Teckla, the obvious quesiton is; are
> these, in fact, the same person?
> Since Pel's servant's age is given at 500-550 years, it's quite likely
> he's still alive 250 or so years later (the time of Athyra).
> Of course, a name as simple as "Tem" is likely to be fairly common, so
> it could be just a coincidence. Still, there are relatively few cases of
> identical names in Dragaera (notable exceptions include "Ibronka" (known
> to be at least 3 different characters) and "Ori" (which denotes both a
> Dragon and yet another Teckla resident of Smallcliff)).
> Anyone care to lay odds on this one?
> Majikjon


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