> > I haven't read all Dragaeran books, as Brokedown Palace seems to be out of > print. I'd like to avoid having that spoiled, for if/when I can put my > grubby little hands on it. I'm with Martin on this, as I suspect many may be. I kind of agree that anyone on a Dragaera mailing list is at least sufficiently addicted to have read all the easily-available books released at least a couple years ago. I know I have. But in the case of Brokedown Palace, I can't easily get a copy (here in Sweden), so I'm shutting my eyes when I see a Fenarian name I don't recognize. I actually stopped adding to the wikicity when spoilers for BP began appearing all over it. The half.com solution is appealing, but that $2.51 will quickly become $20.51 once I ship to Sweden. Maybe for Xmas. My own proposed compromise probably makes sense only to me, but I like the idea of a general spoiler warning, with BP and any other out-of-print books there may be as exceptions, which should be clearly marked and set aside as spoilers, since they're not likely to be handy to everyone. Completely off-topic: I was on a business trip last week to Slovakia, and twice met Hungarian chicks I wanted to impress. Both times I found I knew a few words, and silently thanked Steve.