

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Sat Dec 10 05:40:05 PST 2005

Michael Angelo Tripp-Russo wrote:

>>>What if a Phoenix is having twins and only one phoenix flies  
>>It just has to make two passes.
>>>Are there any references to Dragaeran twins, btw?
>If I'm recalling correctly, Dragaeran's can't conceive accidentally  
>(which is just one reason house crossbreeds are so rare), so perhaps  
>they have some control over this as well - at least in a post  
>Interregnum Dragaera since there is all sorts of wonderful sorcery.
>Wether this lack of Dragaeran twins is deliberate or merely  
>coincidental we may never know, I would suspect though that twins  
>could happen to a Dragaeran just not by accident.
At least fraternal twins might be controlled well.   Identical twins 
occur after fertilization.