
How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?

Thu Dec 15 16:02:12 PST 2005

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Davdi Silverrock wrote:

> I am inclined to doubt that there are such examples.  If someone is a
> full member of the House, then their genes should indicate that, and
> they ought not be expelled - if their behavior violates civil norms,
> then there ought to be civil punishments.  It's hard to imagine
> behavior that violates House norms, yet not civil norms.

Uhh, a cowardly Dzur (result of incurable brain damage received in battle,
or in falling down the stairs) can't be brought up on civil charges,
but is clearly unable to remain in the House.  A treasonous Lyorn may be
executed without trial, effectively an expulsion.  Demanding Kragar be
both a crossbreed (unsuspected by Vlad) _and_ practically invisible is
too much.  Umm, an Athyra congenitally unable to teleport?

Of course a purebreed could be missing an essential gene through mutation.

Incidentally, what about Whozzit the Issolan Jhereg Vlag threatens?
Is he a hybrid?  Or just an Issola with an uncivil tongue?