
How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?

Wed Dec 21 09:34:32 PST 2005

Davdi Silverrock wrote:

>Actually, I did just now think of another scenario.  Let's say that
>Kragar was at a rank that he was comfortable with, as an aide to some
>real officer, which put him in the chain of command, but no real
>prospects for advancement, nor really wanting any.  And perhaps this
>officer *used* Kragar (and his extreme sneakitude) in ways that
>Dragons would frown upon - that is, in sabotaging *fellow* officers,
>perhaps by intercepting intelligence and presenting it as being his
>(or her, Dragaerans being equal-opportunity) own, or messing with them
>in other petty ways to gya's own advancement, all-in-all being conduct
>unbecoming to an officer.  And perhaps this officer gets gyaself
>killed in battle, so Kragar's problems with being in command are
>brought to the fore as he has to handle things himself.  Hmm.  We
>might even posit that the officer was discovered, and the sabotage
>*was* considered as being over the line of treason, and the officer
>was executed.
>So, ordinarily, just being "not-listenable" wouldn't have gotten
>Kragar kicked out, but combine that with his role in the sabotage
>being discovered...  Perhaps Kragar was only spared death since he was
>obeying orders, but "should have known" that he should not have obeyed
>such orders.
>Perhaps there actually is some sort of clause or basis for ejection
>from the House for conduct unbecoming to a Dragon.
>Hmm.  Maybe.  Although that doesn't explain the sneakitude itself. 
>Unless...  Unless perhaps the officer posited was responsible for that
>as well - perhaps a sorcerer or psychic specializing in creating
>stealth illusions?  And that explains Kragar's friendship with Daymar;
>no one was able to figure out how to undo the "stealth mode" besides
>the original officer, and Kragar became more and more desperate to
>find someone or something that would undo it (and obviously, failing,
>even with Daymar)?
>Shrug.  Perhaps I ought to add that to Speculation:Kragar as well...
Looks like good stuff to me.

I just think it's likely that house expulsion DOES happen for many 
reasons, and while being a cross-breed may be the most common reason, 
bad behavior can get you there, as well.

Saying that "any behavior that should get you kicked out would just get 
you killed instead" smacks of living in a tyranny... Which the Empire is 
not (at least, not unless there's a decadent Phoenix (Or possibly a 
Jhereg) Emperor. ) And even under Tortaalik we have Illista and Allistar 
as examples of those who were exiled, rather than executed.

(What ever happened to Allistar, BTW? TPG says he was exiled along with 
his sister, but Illista makes no mention of him later in LoCB or SL...)
