
Terics Academy

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 11:44:57 PST 2005

On 12/23/05, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> Davdi Silverrock wrote:
> >No, no, this is entirely confused!  Despite being closely associated
> >with Jaubry, the completely separate individual Stefan of Matrin is a
> >*Hawk*, not a Dragon!  And he therefore cannot possibly be the founder
> >of a Dragon lineage.
> >
> >
> Am I missing something here? Or do I even want to know?





And so on and so forth.

Also, the following Captain's^W^W^W Author's Log extract - no longer
available to easily point to, but nevertheless:

[Begin Cite]

Mon Oct 27th, 2003 3:21 PM

A trying day, but, ultimately, a successful one.

At two bells of the morning watch, in moderate SSW
topgallent staysail breeze, the Linux box grounded in a moderate shoal
on a lee shore, which turned out to be a dead hard drive
complicated by a video card that was suffering from dry rot.  To
make matters worse, not half a glass later, Quar's car
turned out to have a dead battery.  With me needing to check email
and Quar needing to get to school, there was the devil to
pay and no pitch hot.

Well, we cleared for action at once and sent the hands to
breakfast, after which we signaled for AAA.

Around six bells, we beat to quarters, dismasted the box,
rebuilt her (a new copper bottom--with a decent trim she should
do very well on a bowline) and floated her.

AAA showed up, the car started, and when Quar got back from
school I was able to send the copyedited manuscript of
_Sethra Lavode_ off to Tor.  By the time I was back, the software
was up and running, and the only problem was getting the ISP
connections right.

I must say that officers and men behaved most handsomely--we
found the gateway, rigged it, gave her a broadside, and
boarded in the smoke.  By four bells of the afternoon watch we
were back on line, by which time the breeze had freshened to a
moderate gale.  I should be able to check my email before we
make landfall.

I should especially mention the efforts of Quar and Caliann
who behaved in a most officer-like manner during the cutting
out action; Doug, who handed the dog watch (so to speak); and
Lee, who provided the necessary intelligence regarding
Redhat Linux and saw to the arrangement of the hold.

All in all, it was the completest thing.

I have the Honor to Remain &c.

[End Cite]