
META: Mail and mailer configuration

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 14:18:55 PST 2006

On 1/13/06, Howard Brazee <howard at brazee.net> wrote:
> I wonder why it is that when I read Jon's posts using Thunderbird, I get
> a real tiny font that I need to cut and paste into another editor to read.

When Jon sends mail from stream.com, his mailer software (Lotus Notes
Release 6.5.4) adds an HTML attachment, in which the font is change by
a tag setting the size to "1" (font size=1 face="sans-serif")(which is
indeed small).  This attachment is stripped out by the mailing list
software (X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.5), so those of
us who are not direct recipients only see the text component of the
e-mail.  However, when he responds to someone directly, that person
sees the e-mail that contains the HTML attachment, and the HTML is
displayed by default.


*Thunderbird can be configured to show text only
(Menu->View->Message Body As -> Plain Text)
*Thunderbird can increase the font size
 (Menu->View->Text Size->Increase)(or a keystroke: Ctrl++)
*Jon could make sure that the only recipient is the list, so that the
attachment is always stripped before anyone receives it
*Jon could change the settings on Lotus Notes so that it only sends
plain text anyway, or at least, so that the attachment is in a less
tiny font.