While working on the Lyorn Records wikicity, I've compiled a few relatively minor questions about certain characters that it would help to have answers to, just for the purposes of clarification. Steve, if you've got the time an inclination, it'd be awesome to know the answers to the following: 1. Which is more correct, "Castlerock" (as in /The Phoenix Guards/) or "Castle Rock" (as in /The Viscount of Adrilankha/)? Or are both equally valid? 2. What is the gender of the Chreotha "Deppian" who is referred to by both genders in /Paths of the Dead/? The character is referred to as a "she" at the top of the page, then as a "he" a few paragraphs later. Chapter 14, Page 133, paperback. (Or were the Countess and her spouse perhaps both present at this meeting with Kâna?) 3. Is Grassfog's sister named "Tsira" (as it appears in the text of /Sethra Lavode/) or "Tsani" (as it appears in the front matter)? I'm guessing that "Tsani" is a typo, since the name "Tsira" is used consitantly in the body of the book, but I didn't know if one of these might be a nickname or something. 4. Cwelli and Olani; Savn's parents. Which is which? (I'll completely understand if you don't care to answer this one, as it seems to be deliberately vague in the story itself--but it would be an enormous benefit to the "Dramatis Personae" page on the wikicity to able to to identify them a little more clearly. Thanks tremendously for any response. Jon Lincicum, aka Majikjon