
A few questions for Steve re: Character names and identities

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Tue Jan 17 20:12:20 PST 2006

On Jan 17, 2006, at 3:46 PM, Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote:

> Stephen Shafer <st.shafer at gmail.com>
> Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
> 01/17/06 12:16 PM
> To
> dragaera at dragaera.info
> cc
> Subject
> Re: A few questions for Steve re: Character names and identities
> skzb wrote:
>>>> Jon Lincicum wrote:
>>>>> 1. Which is more correct, "Castlerock" (as in /The Phoenix  
>>>>> Guards/)
>>>>> or "Castle Rock" (as in /The Viscount of Adrilankha/)? Or are both
>>>>> equally valid?
>>>> Depends on the time.  The rock was called Castle Rock on account of
> it
>>>> was a rock that looked like a castle (duh).  The town that happened
> to
>>>> grow there was called Castle Rock Town, then Castle Rock, then
>>>> Castlerock.
>> So Castlerock (TPG) came before Castle Rock (TVA)?
> Well, it's not quite that simple.
> If Paarfi is relating these stories well after the fact (TPG was  
> "written"
> in 309 PI) then Paarfi may use the modern spelling in some  
> instances when
> describing Khaavren, but may spell it "Castle Rock" in dialogue  
> instances
> where Khaavren, Aerich, Pel, Tazendra, et al. are talking to each  
> other,
> since that's the spelling they would have used.
> Further, Brust "The Translator" may simply have been inconsistent  
> in his
> usages of the spellings that Paarfi used in the original "Dragaeran  
> Text".
> It's also possible that the Dragaerans themselves still use both  
> spellings
> on occasion.
> For the Wiki, I've decided to go with "Castlerock", given Steven's  
> answer,
> seeing that this is apparently the "fully evolved" version of the  
> name.
> Majikjon

I have only one word for you.

That word is "ford"
