Howard Brazee <howard at> Sent by: dragaera-bounces at 01/18/06 11:25 AM To cc dragaera at Subject Re: A few questions for Steve re: Character names and identities Jon_Lincicum at wrote: >>>I have only one word for you. >>> >>>That word is "ford" >> >>Meaning ford as in "Ben", ford as in "Gazla", ford as in "Ara", ford as in >>"Furd" I take it? >>Well, yes. >> >> >Or maybe Fordfordfordfordfordfordford (I forget how many fords in that >town's name). Bengloarafurd Ford. Ben, Gazla, Ara, Furd, Ford I count five. Of course, some day someone will build a bridge there, and they'll have to rename the town. ;-) Majikjon