Jon_Lincicum at wrote: >>Intercepted *and* decrypted. We're not dealing with WWII technology here. > >Even WWII had encryption (The Enigma Machine was a type of encryption, for >example). It was just encryption that was breakable once computers were >invented to decipher the keys. Can sorcery be used to decipher complicated >mathematical problems? I'll be a Hawk could tell you. > >"P" vs "NP". Who wins? ;-) > >Of course, a simple clairvoyance spell used to listen in to your enemies' >strategy meetings makes radio encryption basically worthless, anyway. > > Separate issues. I'm sure the enemies' strategy meetings are protected. I'm less confident that all of the communications officers sending the encrypted orders by whichever means are protected. Some radio intelligence can be done without human intervention. Clairvoyance might find it hard to read the minds of spy satellites, for instance. One way of using many tools could be illustrated in an example of protecting a prize. The first thing to do is make sure all the physical doors and locks work as designed. Then make sure the sorcerous doors and locks work as designed. Then make sure the watchmen work as designed. Include some cobwebs at strategic spots to discover if someone has entered the prize location. If you can add psionic protections (maybe dread), add them. If you can add witchcraft, add it. The technology that the other guy overlooks is to your advantage. The technology you overlook is to the other guy's advantage. >Well, in their brute-force use of sorcery the Jenoine are at least very >powerful. They do tend to come across as especially unsubtle (i.e. stupid) >users of sorcery. I'm not sure how well this impression is justified, >however. > > > For one thing, they don't think the way we do.