
Spoiler thread on Brokedown Palace, need to know.

Steve Rapaport steve at romlin.com
Thu Feb 2 14:40:00 PST 2006

Just finished "Brokedown Palace" and after getting over enjoying the good
read, (which it was!) I realized I was really left dissatisfied.

It's not unusual for a story to leave minor details and players incomplete,
but it seemed to me that this book left ALL the major details and players
incomplete.  Everything important.  The events are there, but that's it.

Looking it over again, pretty much every major thing that happens, happens
not because some human decides to do it, but because some supernatural
agency decides to.  And those agencies are more than half unidentified.
The humans are, for the most part, unwitting pawns, and the players and
their motivations are left mysterious. Even knowing what I know from the
rest of Brust's books, I was unable to guess what really went on. So feel
free to correct me if I've missed something, but--

(Sort-of spoilers implied in the questions here)

What is Verra trying to accomplish with her support of those she supports?
Who is working against her?
Why is it necessary to move so drastically against her?  Wouldn't a chat
Is the River a power in itself or a representative of some other power?
Which one?
Is Brigitta a power in herself or a representative of that same power?
Ditto Bolk?
Why must Sandor be eliminated?  Mom n Dad?  Reszo?
In most basic terms, is this a Gods vs. Nature, Gods vs. Gods, or Gods vs.
Man, or Man vs. Man struggle?
And -- Why does Brigitta have to leave?  She never explains really.

Yes, I realize that the Fenarian folk-tales interspersed are also lacking in
motivations and that this may just be following a tradition.  But most of
those tales also credit the Demon Goddess with being the driving force.
This obviously does not.

So any theories, or am I just questioning the ineffable?

\Steve the Younger