
Spoiler thread on Brokedown Palace, need to know.

Thu Feb 2 15:24:42 PST 2006

> So any theories, or am I just questioning the ineffable?

Making logical sense of a folk tale can be an exercise in futility. Magical
things happen because the setting is magical. Players come and go and act in
odd ways because that's what the story demands, not because it neccesarily
makes any sense. ;-)

Brigitta leaves because she's bearing a half-demon child, is afraid of the
ostricization (no way of knowing what a half-demon child will be like) and
she's not that fond of Fenario anyway.

Yes, the narrative copies a traditional form so expecting any sort of normal
development is opening oneself to dissatisfaction. 

The story is simply an allegory. It's a story about the destruction of the
old order and its replacement by a new order. It's about the unshackling of
Men from the yoke of Faerie and the Gods (though there's some question
whether Bolk is a God or not). It's about life, death, and the inevitability
of rebirth. 

> What is Verra trying to accomplish with her support of those 
> she supports?

The support of the Establishment. She is the agent of Order, Stability and
ultimately, Stagnation. Rather ironic considering that it's Verra we're
talking about.

> Who is working against her?

No-one is working actively against her. Well, Bolk is, I suppose. Verra's
defeat happens because the attack comes from a completely unexpected vector,
initiated half-unknowingly by one of her subjects that she probably still
hoped to pull back into the fold. I think she saw Miklos as misguided rather
than an actual enemy.

> Why is it necessary to move so drastically against her? 

Because the Old Order is one of stagnation and decay and she is actively
preventing any change to the situation. She likes things the way they are,
even if it's not really the best thing for the people who worship her.
> Wouldn't a chat
> help?

Good question. Maybe it would have in the beginning. Certainly it was
unlikely to help by the time events were rolling along. 

> Is the River a power in itself or a representative of some 
> other power?

Good question. It's a fairy tale set in the mysterious East. Go with it. :-)

> Which one?

See above.

> Is Brigitta a power in herself or a representative of that same power?

Brigitta is Brigitta. She's a catalyst, (the outsider who awakens the
dreamer to his true surroundings) but she's not a power, IMO. Pararectaly,
there is some speculation that she is ultimately Cawti's mother.

> Ditto Bolk?

Bolk is a mystery. He might be a rogue God. He might be a demon or something
like a God. He may be something else entirely. Whatever he is, he's
following his own agenda, not that of another being.

> Why must Sandor be eliminated?  Mom n Dad?  Reszo?

They are the Establishment. The represent the Old Order that has locked the
land in stasis and led to the decay and decline of all around them. They're
the aristrocracy and Miklos and the tree are the Revolution.

> In most basic terms, is this a Gods vs. Nature, Gods vs. 
> Gods, or Gods vs.
> Man, or Man vs. Man struggle?

None of the above. All of the above. Ultimately, it's a struggle of Death
versus Birth and the dawning of a new age. The Palace isn't just a Palace.
It's a symbol of the kingdom and, in a larger sense, of Mankind.