Okay, so this is off-topic but I have the feeling that many readers of this list would enjoy this particular web page anyway. Certainly anyone who enjoyed _Brokedown Palace_. http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/006448.html I discovered this page via one of those odd cases of serendipity that occur occasionally. It's fun reading for anyone who is a lover of traditional and folk music. Interestingly, if you search for the word "Fenario" in this particular page then you may discover that it's not so off-topic after all... It certainly engaged me in an hour's worth of googling and discovery, though when I proudly went to share the knowledge I'd unearthed I discovered that the gist of it was already listed at _Cracks and Shards_ and had no doubt been there for some years. Still, it was worth having made the journey. *heh*