
Everything I ever needed to know I learned from a folk song...

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Fri Feb 10 09:26:32 PST 2006

On Feb 10, 2006, at 11:53 AM, Scott Schultz wrote:

> Okay, so this is off-topic but I have the feeling that many readers  
> of this
> list would enjoy this particular web page anyway. Certainly anyone who
> enjoyed _Brokedown Palace_.
> http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/006448.html
> I discovered this page via one of those odd cases of serendipity  
> that occur
> occasionally. It's fun reading for anyone who is a lover of  
> traditional and
> folk music.
> Interestingly, if you search for the word "Fenario" in this  
> particular page
> then you may discover that it's not so off-topic after all...
> It certainly engaged me in an hour's worth of googling and  
> discovery, though
> when I proudly went to share the knowledge I'd unearthed I  
> discovered that
> the gist of it was already listed at _Cracks and Shards_ and had no  
> doubt
> been there for some years. Still, it was worth having made the  
> journey.
> *heh*

Don't forget the Grateful Dead!
Copyright notice

"Dire Wolf"
Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia
Copyright Ice Nine Publishing; used by permission

In the timbers of Fennario
the wolves are running round
The winter was so hard and cold
froze ten feet neath the ground
Don't murder me
I beg of you don't murder me
don't murder me

I sat down to my supper
T'was a bottle of red whiskey
I said my prayers and went to bed
That's the last they saw of me

Don't murder me
I beg of you don't murder me
don't murder me

When I awoke, the Dire Wolf
Six hundred pounds of sin
Was grinnin at my window
All I said was "come on in"

Don't murder me
I beg of you don't murder me
don't murder me

The wolf came in, I got my cards
We sat down for a game
I cut my deck to the Queen of Spades
but the cards were all the same

Don't murder me
I beg of you don't murder me
don't murder me

In the backwash of Fennario
The black and bloody mire
The Dire Wolf collects his due
while the boys sing round the fire

Don't murder me
I beg of you don't murder me
don't murder me