On 2/27/06, Scott Raun <sraun at fireopal.org> wrote: > Oh - you've got a choice of five different formats, all of them > unencrypted. HTML, RTF, Mobipocket, Rocket, and MS Reader. Mobipocket rocks. I quite like it. The thing about e-books is where and when I read them; on a device with a nice screen, and when I'm somewhere where a full hardback would be difficult to read. I like reading e-books in bed when I'm nodding off to sleep. I can get in a chapter before slumber and leave my subconscious ("Fred", as named by Damon Knight) something to chew on. -- johne cook - wisconsin, usa | http://dkamagazine.com | http://theswordreview.com | |http://phywriter.com