
Brust E-Books

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Mon Feb 27 08:04:32 PST 2006

Johne Cook wrote:

>The thing about e-books is where and when I read them; on a device
>with a nice screen, and when I'm somewhere where a full hardback would
>be difficult to read. I like reading e-books in bed when I'm nodding
>off to sleep.  I can get in a chapter before slumber and leave my
>subconscious ("Fred", as named by Damon Knight) something to chew on.
The thing about printed books is where and when I read them.   On 
non-glowing, non reflecting screen, and when I'm somewhere where a 
computer is difficult.   I like reading paper books in bed, where I 
don't have to worry about turning them off when I'm done.