On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 Gaertk at aol.com wrote: > Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> writes: > > >The deal in particular was an affront on its face - a more palatable > >would likely have been considered. If by Aerich if no one else. > > Is this the scene where Aerich calls the message "a calculated > insult"? You are maybe referring to page 279/80 where T reads a letter from Adron on the subject of the search of Aliera's quarters and Paarfi calls the insult calculated. > >> He did not believe that another Phoenix would improve matters any. > > > >Is there any reason but a view of him as entirely overtaken > >by ambition to think that? > > It wasn't ambition (he's offering to abdicate after all). He felt > that the current situation was *proof* the Cycle had turned. Well, I think he thinks that because there's no alternative but to take the throne - in a multi-emperor view, a bad situation might well be just a sign to chuck the idiot in charge. Aerich would say so, then Adron would make your argument, etc. etc.