Reviewing Issola in light of the current amorphia discussion, a couple of statements caught my eye that were made by Sethra in regards to reincarnation. Firstly, page 39, in reference to the Gods and their disposition of souls that arrive at The Halls of Judgement: "As they review the dead, some they have no use for... Others have skills that might someday be useful, and those are held in the Paths of the Dead against that use, or reincarnated into circumstance where their skills can develop." Secondly, page 41, in reference to Destiny and past lives: "Think back to your own past, Vlad: I know what Aliera told you about your past lives, so consider her words now... Consider those you know of who were once your family, and those who mattered to you in a time too faded in the mist for you to imagine, much less remember. Kieron... remains in the Paths of the Dead... I, who had some importance in the tribe, am here... trying to see that nothing upsets the balance. I think we were all, even then, marked out by the gods. I can't say I like it much, or that you should, but there it is." What Sethra is suggesting here is that it's not an accident that the leaders of the tribe that became House Dragon and, in Dolivar's case, spawned House Jhereg, are still around and acting as movers and shakers of present day events. Whereas Aliera views Dolivar's reincarnation as an Easterner to be sort of a case of mystical irony, Sethra's statements about the true purpose of the Paths suggests a different interpretation. If Sethra is right, that the Gods chose Kieron, Dolivar and Aliera-Who-Was as important pawns even before the formation of the Empire, then the event of Vlad's birth becomes less an accident than a matter of planning. There's no good reason why a Dragaeran soul should have reincarnated into an Eastern body. An "odd interaction of reincarnation and genetics" doesn't really explain anything; it's just a judgement of observed facts. Whether it was held in the Paths for the right time or allowed to reincarnate a few times until it was needed, the implication is that Dolivar's soul was kept and deliberately reincarnated into an Easterner when the need arose. Given the short lifespan of Easterners and the possible subsequent loss of Dolivar's soul (Eastern souls don't go to the Paths), the need must be urgent (when seen relative to the lifespan of a Dragaeran or the immortality of a God). It's no accident that Vlad is good at what he does; he's had a lifetime(s) of experience previously. It's no accident that he has the favor of Verra. He was "created" by her in a very real sense. It's no accident that Godslayer came into his possession. The Gods "bred" him because they sensed the impending emergence of Godslayer and they needed someone to wield it who would learn the neccesary skills quickly and carry it loyally. Note that I'm not suggesting that the Gods literally said "We need someone to carry Godslayer." It's clear that the Lords of Judgement don't see all ends, and Verra was rather horrified to find out that Vlad was carrying Spellbreaker around. When she DID find out, she must have realized what it meant and, perhaps, started to see why this particular servant of hers had been neccesary to create. Now that Godslayer HAS emerged in the hands of a minion who is mystically "appropriate" for its intended purpose, I'd expect events to start steamrolling toward a conclusion of some kind. Note that "steamrolling" in Dragaeran terms might be a decade or ten. It will happen "soon", though, unless Godslayer is somehow able to extend Vlad's lifespan beyond the norm for an Easterner. The important thing is that Dolivar, Aliera-Who-Was, and Sethra are all wielders of Great Weapons in the service of Verra. Kieron's Greatsword is nearly as good as a Great Weapon in the way that ancient heroic swords tend to be and there's little doubt that he could take it back if he chose. Whatever purpose the Gods marked these people for, to use Sethra's words, would appear to be coming to a head. The question now is, "Who is the target of _The Final Contract_?" Who has Vlad been "bred" to kill and will he prove capable in the end? Assuming he survives the experience, what then?