I'm sure everybody here is familiar with the sword jokes Vlad sometimes cites; examples being: How many Easterners does it take to sharpen a sword? -Four, one to hold the sword, and three to move the grindstone. How many Yendi does it take to sharpen a sword? -Three. One to sharpen it, and one to confuse the issue. How many Dzur does it take to sharpen a sword? -Three. One to sharpen it, and three to make it worthwhile. I've been trying to come up with sword jokes to fit each of the major houses. So far I've only got a couple that I'm really happy with (most of my attempts end up being rather lame): How many Athyra does it take to Sharpen a sword? -Three. One to conjure the sword, a second to enchant the grindstone to spin, and a third to animate the corpse to hold it. How many Teckla does it take to sharpen a sword? -Seventeen. Sixteen to cut their own hands off, and one to hold it properly. How many Issola does it take to sharpen a sword? -Just one, but only when it's appropriate. How many Tiassa does it take to sharpen a sword? -None. He'll come up with a way to have the Dzur do it. How many Phoenix does it take to sharpen a sword? -All of her. Okay, so even these aren't that great. I was wondering if anyone else had any they'd like to share? Majikjon