On 10:14 AM Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote: > I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're trying to make, here. > > ALL of these jokes, even Steve's, would be unfunny without the proper > context of Dragaera. (Yendi: One to sharpen the sword and one to confuse > the issue? Huh? What's a Yendi? Why is that funny? Dzur: One to sharpen > the sword, three to make it worthwhile. Huh? Why would someone need > three people to fight against?) There are two ways to do these jokes: 1. "In" jokes that work with those of us who have read all of his works. 2. Jokes that enlighten those who have just started reading. While within this newsgroup, option #1 works, on the web site, #2 is better. Some jokes can be both #1 & #2. And Steve is much more likely to put in his own jokes when it advances the plot (enlightenment - or at least reminding us of a characteristic or contrast or prejudice at a particular moment in the plot). Hmmm. How about a couple of prejudiced jokes - where the race of the person telling the joke is important? Don't pick a house picked on by all, so much as rival houses.