
Brokedown Palace

Mon May 15 12:21:44 PDT 2006

On Mon, 15 May 2006, Davdi Silverrock wrote:

> For example, /The Gypsy/ has 97,036 words (9,035 words per dollar),
> and rates 79.7 on the Flesch Index (whatever that is - I suppose I
> could look it up).

I'm going to guess it's a readability measure.


"It measures reading from 100 (for easy to read) to 0 (for very difficult
to read). A zero score indicates text has more than 37 words on the
average in each sentence and the average word is more than 2 syllables.
Flesch has identified a "65" as the Plain English Score. In response to
demand, Flesch also provided an interpretation table to convert the scale
to estimated reading grade and estimated school grade completed."