
Agyar (Agyar?/Sixth Sense Spoilers) (Was Re: Brokedown Palace)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue May 16 08:56:52 PDT 2006

On 9:47 AM Joshua Kronengold wrote:
>  If a reasonable person would consider it a spoiler, it's a spoiler.

Oh, I think we're all agreed in that.   Sort of.   Since I don't think 
it's a spoiler, I will modify it to say:

"If a reasonable person would not consider it a spoiler, it's not a 

>  >>Saying /Agyar/ is about [...] falls into the same category.
>  No, it does not, says the reasonable man.

(Not having kept the old messages, I may be mistaken on what category is 
being referred to, I will say:)

Yes, it does, says the reasonable man.