
Agyar (Agyar?/Sixth Sense Spoilers) (Was Re: Brokedown Palace)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue May 16 09:09:40 PDT 2006

On 9:58 AM Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote:
>  >>Oh, and I'd never seen _The Sixth Sense_, either. ;-)
>  Yeah, hence the spoiler notice in the subject line... :-)
>  (It's a decent flick. Even figuring out the "big secret" in that
>  movie
>  doesn't ruin it (or didn't for me, anyway; but there I go,
>  generalizing
>  from one example again.) In fact, it makes it easier to appreciate
>  the
>  various ways in which they try to hide what's really going on from
>  you...
>  And I'm not even a big M. Night Shyamalan fan...)

There's a spoiler in _Crying Game_, which actually makes the movie worth 
watching again - it's a different movie with the spoiler.    But when a 
book waits a chapter to show us that the narrator is a detective or a 
thief or a space ship jockey or a vampire or a politician or an 
assassin, it's not a spoiler.