On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 01:22:57PM -0700, Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote: > > Dri'Chazik a Tukknaro Dzur = Enchantress of Mountain Dzur? Could Tukko and > >Sethra be the same person? The Necromancer or Verra (I think) discuss being > >able to be in two different places at the same time. Does it have to be two > >different planes, or not? > > Well, doesn't Sethra specifically say in /Issola/, that she cannot be in > two places at once? > > Of course, it's always possible that Sethra may have been <gasp> lying. Or speaking elipticly; polylocation may be required but not sufficient for godhood. On the other hand, given the conversations between Sethra and Tukko it seems very unlikely they're a case of bilocation. -- "While you may be at your core 'tenderhearted.' I do not doubt your, or any womans, ability to reach in, wrench out a mans heart and talk him into taking a bite. I mean that in a good way." -'fortunecookie', to Hillary at http://bbs.chrismoore.com/viewtopic.php?p=82531