
Sethra Lavode (Large spoilers, esp Orca/Issola)

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Tue Jun 13 13:57:28 PDT 2006

"Davdi Silverrock" <davdisil at gmail.com> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
06/13/06 12:51 PM

"Dragaera List" <dragaera at dragaera.info>

Re: Sethra Lavode (Large spoilers, esp Orca/Issola)

On 6/13/06, <Jon_Lincicum at stream.com> wrote:

> Sethra Lavode Spoiler Space (which is to say, for nearly every book out
> there):
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>> Sethra is noted by Vlad to be "Tall for a Dragaeran",
>Can you point to where it says that?  I searched, but did not find
>(although I suppose the OCR may have been imperfect).
>Vlad does use the word "tall" when referring to Sethra, but I can't
>help wondering if that's a general impression rather than a genuine
>comparative, since all Dragaerans are taller than Vlad, and Sethra is
>just generally impressive because she's Sethra.

/Phoenix/, Chapter 7. (Page 255, omnibus)

"You haven't met (Sethra) yet, so picture if you will a tall Dragaeran 

>Maybe "you wear a disguise, first, from the inside" is a hint -
>perhaps she can simply expand and contract her vertebra.

"First" from the inside, certainly. Not necessarily "last" as well, 
