I usually mention Steve's writing in attribution for some pithy remark. For instance, a political discussion I had the other day, where I felt it appropriate to point out that the defender always starts the war. -Max On 6/15/06, Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com> wrote: > On 6/14/06, John Klein <zarkon at illrepute.org> wrote: > > One hopes Steve will see some extra sales from this; Penny Arcade's > > readership is unimaginably vast. > > I guess it just goes to show that you never know where something will > go. I mentioned Steve as a favorite author and the Vlad / Khaavren > novels as personal favorites in an e-mail to Tycho some years ago. He > didn't respond to that e-mail, but has to others about tech / creative > writing. I mention Steve as a favorite author in the same breath as > Zelazny all the time because it happens to be true. I bet it's the > same with many of you. > > Here's hoping it comes to something and enables Steve to continue to > write the sort of things that interest and challenge him, and improves > the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed to (by which I mean > 'more steak'). ; ) > > -- > johne cook - wisconsin, usa > | http://raygunrevival.com | http://theswordreview.com | |http://phywriter.com > -- Be pretty if you are, Be witty if you can, But be cheerful if it kills you.