
Multi-jointed fingers (and houses)

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Fri Jun 16 06:59:05 PDT 2006

"Joy Nicholson" <joyjnicholson at gmail.com> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
06/16/06 06:37 AM

"Jon Lincicum" <lincicum at comcast.net>
Dragaera List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Re: Multi-jointed fingers (and houses)

> I don't think it's possible to be a Jhereg without having a title. (Same
> with any noble house. They've all got titles of some form or other.
> That's what makes them "nobility".)

>I'm not sure on that.  We have the title DragonLord or HawkLord, but
>not all members of those houses are refered to as such.  Take, for
>example, the foot soldiers in Dragon.  I don't think that any of them
>were ever refered to as a DragonLord, suggesting to me that they may
>not have any titles.

Interesting points.

As a counter example, look at the Orca. All Orca on ships in the Empire 
are given titles commesurate with their ranks, so that a Duke never ends 
up serving under a Baron. It follows that all Orca (except perhaps the 
lowest level of deckhands) have titles of some kind to indicate their 
superiority over someone else onboard ship. Since all Orca serve on ships 
for some part of the year as a service to their House, this means that 
almost all Orca will have titles of some kind.

If the Orca can do this, why can't the other Houses?

>Also, consider Khavren (in TPG).  His family has a traditional title,
>but they had lost their lands and their titles, as best I remember.

Khaavren continued to use "Marquis" since (as Aerich pointed out) despite 
the land being sold back to the Empire, it was still vacant, thus he was 
still entitled to use it. This does, however, imply that if the title was 
NOT vacant, that he wouldn't have a title to use. Which I suppose would 
indeed make him a title-less Tiassa.

>It seems to me that being a Noble House means that the house has some
>nobility, not that every member of the house is a noble.

I'm nearly convinced this is possible. It still remains an open question 
as to how common a situation this is, however. (Especially with all the 
invented empty titles that are floating around...)
