
Was Dzur review

Wed Jun 28 22:19:07 PDT 2006

dragaera-request at dragaera.info wrote:

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 14:25:16 -0700
From: "Maximilian Wilson" <wilson.max at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Dzur review

This is the first I've heard of this. I know of authors who feel
understandably uncomfortable with Amazon's policy of advertising
cheaper, used copies of a book on the same page as new copies, and
I've heard from other authors that books sold through Amazon get
marked up substantially; but I've never heard any suggestion that
author's royalties get marked down. SF author Jerry Pournelle's
booklist links to Amazon
(http://www.jerrypournelle.com/reviews/books.htm), and one of his
major foreign correspondents (Francis Hamit) writes occasionally about
his experiences selling Amazon shorts, and neither has ever mentioned
that an Amazon sale pays any less than any other chain. If true, it
would be a bit alarming to those of us who are interested in making
sure the bard gets paid.

-Max Wilson


By all means, make sure the bard gets paid, I pray you.  It's much 

Ghost-written works are never the same.  Unless there's a new rule for 
ghost-possessed keyboards....  maybe there is.  Ahem.

In all seriousness, if anyone does find out about royalty markdown, 
please post it.  I never heard of it either - but assuredly, what I have 
not heard of varies from what others have not heard of.



A.S. Zanoni
Personal Assistant to Steven Brust

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