
Current Status

Mon Mar 22 09:57:20 PST 2004

At 01:04 AM 3/18/2004, Mark Englehart wrote:
>That now makes four of us who are interested in continuing this 
>topic.  I'd say that's enough to start a dialogue.


I hope you have (if you weren't on the list for it) gone back and read the 
list-archives for this list (at: )

There was a fair amount of pertinent discussion in september-october of 
2003..., and at least a couple of times before, if the archive goes back 
far enough.

I can't recall if the other list has been quiet so long that it no longer 
has anything useful on it.  It was a Yahoo group, if you want to go looking 
for it.

I mention this mainly because I've seen a re-occurring "lets make an RPG", 
there is a flurry of activity, then it dies away, then a new group of 
people make a list or sign on to this one (or one of the two others) and 
the it all starts over again...